Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias
Photography: Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias
Studio: Munich, Germany
Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias is a Munich-based artist who has dedicated herself to textiles. The critical examination of the medium "textile" is as much in the foreground as the reflection of her origins. With previous works such as "HYPERISM" (2019), she has dealt with the history of her ancestors, the native people living in Chile called Mapuche, to show the importance of their "culture" and their cosmological knowledge.
Study CC005 Natural Dyes Project, 2020
"Vingt-deux et pas mille“ (2021), Jacquardweave and metal eyelets, 145 x 350 cm for Venetia Initiatives Art Project ‘Quieter than Silence_The Space Between’, 2021, New York
Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias developed „Vingt- Deux et pas mille“ in collaboration with the famous silk weaving mill Tessitura Taborelli in Como/Italy. The jacquard weave artwork takes up the history of the Burgundian Millefleur and transfers it to the present day. Unlike the „Thousand Flowers“ tapestries, „Vingt-Deux et pas mille“ shows only one type of flower: the tulip. In the Middle Ages, people were aware of the significance of many flowers and plants, and most people knew the secret language of flowers. Nowadays, this knowledge from the Middle Ages is lost, and only fragments of some meanings have survived into our time. This situation crystallized the decision to develop a Millefleur only with tulips, a well-known flower in western civilizations.
Study CC005 Natural Dyes Project
Designer: Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias
Style concept: Venetia Kapernekas
Photography: Constanza Camila Kramer Garfias
Studio: March-April 2020, Munich (Bogen Hausen, outside garden)
CC006 | Dried farmed tulips for natural cold dyes
Style concept: Venetia Kapernekas
Photography: Constanza Camila
Studio: Munich, July 2020
Approx. 210 x 145 cm
Photography & words: Constanza Camila
”HYPERISM deals with the background of a flag brought to Chile in 1859 by a French nobleman named Orelie Antoine de Tounons. Tounon´s aimed to unite the Mapuche people in South America and to unite them into a kingdom. In his luggage, he had all the necessary utensils to realize his dream of his proper kingdom of "Araucania and Patagonia": a specially written constitution for a constitutional monarchy and a self-designed flag that would represent his future kingdom.
This was the starting point for the HYPERISM project. The project represents a textile examination of the aesthetic language of Tounon's flag, which has remained unchanged since more than 150 years.
The result is a series of jacquard fabrics that use digital manipulation to deconstruct the original flag and question the original object, its aesthetics, and its function. The series of textiles where realized in a collaboration with weaving mill Tessitura Serrica Taborelli in Como/Italy and the historic Textile Museum "Textiles Zentrum" in Haslach/Upper Austria.“
Constanza Camila Kramer Grafias